“Zero origin stories” (ZOS) constantly pretend you don’t have 1 + 1 biological parents. For example: “I now have zero biological parents; and I inherited one plus one equals minus one dollars."

“General origin stories” (GOS) constantly observe that you now have 1 + 1 biological parents. For example: “I now have two biological parents."

“African Origin Stories” (AOS) constantly report thermodynamic temperatures (between diagonal points, as focus): “I now have as many brain hemispheres as I have biological parents.”

In summary: pretending “all other plants and animals started at point zero” (ZOS) differentiates between reading (general non-fiction) “scientific origin stories” and reading (general fiction) “stupid origin stories”: (SOS):


1 + 1 = 2 "Scientific Origin Stories" (SOS): E = mc^2 ≠ -1; E= +1 ZOS + 1 GOS=+1 SOS < +1c=pi(Pi)≠-1
1 + 1 = 2 "Scientific Origin Stories" (SOS): E = mc^2 ≠ -1; E= +1 ZOS + 1 GOS=+1 SOS < +1c=pi(Pi)≠-1